Monday, November 1, 2010

New Design & Photography Portfolio

I've finally gotten an electronic portfolio together that actually meets my expectations. It features a select portion of my photography and design work. Had to leave out a bunch of stuff so I'll probably end up with several portfolios up here before too long. There are no; event photos (weddings, gallery openings. parties), not much nature stuff, none of my copy work for painters and illustrators, no technical documents and no photo restoration. If you browse my other posts you're likely to see some of that work.

The BoxNet viewer alters the presentation some, so if you want to see how good it really looks, download the file. The downward arrow under the presentation allows you to do so. The Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Reader does a much better job of rendering it. Since PDFs are such a common file type, you probably already have the reader installed on your computer.

1 comment:

  1. Lookin' good Ben. Though I don't know if I'd eat that egg...
